MA in Smart Cities And Urban Informatics (SCUI)

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About the program


The goal of the program is to equip a new generation of urbanists (planners, analysts and policy makers) with the requisite toolbox for addressing the Smart City. This includes both the hands-on analytical skills and the critical faculties to address the current and anticipated future challenges posed by Smart Cities. The Hebrew University aspires to become a leader in this field, in which prospects for growth worldwide seem unbounded (autonomous vehicles and drones, volunteered geographic information, the Internet of Things, etc.).




Smart Cities and Urban Informatics SCUI

 is a unique 1-year (2 semester), English language, 37 credit MA program offered to international students. The program offers both research (thesis) and non-thesis tracks.

The Target Audience for the program are social science students who want to acquire a broad-based understanding of contemporary urban development utilizing state of the art techniques in spatial analysis. No prior knowledge of GIS, remote sensing or spatial information systems is assumed. The program is structured such that students will acquire the key analytic competences in a relatively short term frame.




Academic Faculty

Our Graduates


Selected Courses

Seminar in Smart Cities | Prof. Daniel Felsenstein

This seminar course will provide students with the tools and methods for conducting independent research into smart cities topics. It will integrate issues of data generation, research methodology and analytic tools to equip students with the skills for researching smart cities. The course format will include both lectures, student presentations and hands on exercises. 

Urban Planning: From Modernism to Urbanism and Smart Growth | Prof. Eran Razin

Urban planning is a major component of urban dynamics and a field for the application of smart city tools. The course aims to introduce changing conceptions of urban planning and technological, economic and political transformations that explain them. It discusses changing conceptions, from visionaries such as Ebenezer Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier, to present day strategies of "neoliberal" planning, smart/sustainable growth and (new) urbanism, concluding with likely future trends in light of technological breakthroughs, global warming challenges and post- COVID-19 realities.

Smart Cities: Technological and Social Aspects of Urban Innovation | Prof. (Arch) Rafi Rich

Most people live in urban areas today. With a strong immigration trend to cities, along with the growing population, more than 65% of humanity is expected to live in cities by 2050, setting a new set of disturbing challenges. The information revolution, accompanied by the developed technologies of recent decades, introduces a new concept: the smart city. In this course, we will define that term and discuss further aspects and implications of future cities on human social, economic, and environmental systems.

GIS and Urban Informatics | Mr. Guy Keren

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are at the core of all smart cities - that’s what makes them smart. From collecting data through analyzing to presenting (smart) cities data, GIS is a principal component of all smart operations.In this introductory course, we will gain practical experience working with GIS software and elementary theoretical background of geoinformatics - the necessary tools for a wide variety of tasks.

Urban Remote Sensing | Prof. Noam Levin

The aims of this course are to familiarize the students with the world of remote sensing, and the capabilities it offers to map urban areas at various spatial and temporal scales, using satellite images. Specific topics we will cover will include mapping of impervious areas, vegetation and functional areas within cities. The students will learn some of the basics of Academic Head and Advisor: Prof. Daniel Felsenstein E-mail : Office: Social Sciences Faculty, Room 5412 Office hours: Tuesdays from 12:00-13:00 or by appointment Tel.: 02-5883843 remote sensing, will become familiar with various datasets which are freely available, and at the end of the course will be able to conduct basic remote sensing analysis of urban areas.

Field Course: Transitioning to Smart City Growth: Jerusalem: between Tradition and Innovation | Dr. Ronit Purian

The landscape of cities, smart cities and societies invites us to reflect, understand and plan possible collective futures. Through a series of field trips and meetings, this unique course will put the pieces together: assemble the domains and silos of municipalities and systems; figure out the role of new technologies and service applications; and develop a vision of innovation in cities. To carry out a meaningful project, students are invited to apply methods and tools learned in other courses in the program, to practice new skills and gain real-world experience.







What are the eligiblty terms for acceptance?

a good quality bachelor’s degree (85 or equivalent grade average) and a high level of English proficiency. Students are generally expected to come from a relevant disciplinary background such as, but not limited to, social or environmental sciences. Admission will be partially based on a personal interview.

Is it possible to work while I study?


Individuals with student visas are not permitted to work in Israel, except for those enrolled in full master’s and doctoral degree programs at Israeli universities, as well as those engaged in post-doctoral research. Such students may only work as teaching assistants in their respective fields of study, at their Israeli host universities and on a part-time basis. International students interested in applying for work visas should consult with their local Israeli embassy or consulate abroad. Individuals with student visas are permitted to work remotely with their home countries. Students with Israeli citizenship may work in Israel while they study. Students who are considering working during their studies should keep in mind that classes will be held at least two days a week and attendance is mandatory.





MA in Smart cities

A unique opportunity to study in and experience the City of Jerusalem: a unique beta-site for many of the practical courses to be offered . With an active technological ecosystem, the city offers the ideal backdrop for the program. 

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